1. Trèba bui znaciti, u dõgykax, oge móufa e pro tẽmõ "franchise" u straxouannié, a-t'-ge "franchise" e i tẽma u torgoülé.
2. Fikipédïa ẽghelscâ pro "franchise" u straxouannié pisie prẽmo prôtilêgle tomou, cyto e pisano tou. Te, cyto e pisano tou, e ẽghelscoiõ ne "franchise", a "deductible".
»A deductible should not be confused with a franchise. Where a deductible represents a part of the expense for which the insurer is not liable, the franchise is a pure threshold that, when exceeded, transfers liability for the entire expense to the insurer. For example, with a franchise of $20,000, a claim of $19,900 is borne entirely by the policyholder and a claim of $20,100 is borne entirely by the insurer.«
(en.m.wikipedia.org: Deductible).